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Community Coefficients


Community is a group of different population component.  It is vast group of species, and as the number of species increased, the complexity of community is also increased.  So, for the determination of the complexity in community, some indices are used.  These indices are based upon some coefficients, which are known as community coefficients.
For determining the continuum and discontinuity, similarity or dissimilarity in the community is studied as well as the degree of association is also important.  On the basis of degree of similarity, species are places in same community or different communities.  For finding the similarities in the community, coefficient of similarity is calculated.  It is the main criteria for community classification.  It shows that greater the number of species is common in the communities, then greater affinity in the community is seen.  Some important coefficients are following which indicate the species structure in the community.

Index of Dominance (C)0

            C =  ∑(n/N)2

Where n, is the importance value for each species (number of individual, biomass, production, and so forth).

N is the total of importance values.

Index of similarity (S) between two Samples

S = 2 C / (A+B)

            Where            A is the number of species in sample A
                                    B is the number of species in sample B
                                    C is the number of species common to both the samples.
            Note:  Index of dissimilarity =  1-S

Indices of Species Diversity

1.         3 species richness or variety indices d
            d1  = S-1/log N
            d2  = S / /n
            d3  = S per 1000 individuals
            Where S is the number of species,
            N is the number of individuals, etc.

2.         Evenness index e:-
            e = H/log S

            H is the Shannon index
            S is the number of species

3.         Shannon index of general diversity H
            H =  - ∑ (n/N) log (n1/N)
                = ∑ Pi log Pi
            Where (--) n, is the importance values for each species
            N is the total of importance values

            P1 is the importance probability for each species (n1 / N)


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