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PLASMA MEMBRANE Structure, models and functions,



Plasma membrane or biological membranes are composed of lipids, proteins & small amounts of carbohydrates. The ratio of proteins to lipid varies considerably among different membranes. Phospholipids are present in almost all the membranes. Cholesterol is common in the membrane of mamalian cells. Cardiolipin is found only in the inner mictochondrial membrane .The plant plasma membrane has a high sterol to phospholipid molar ratio. Carbohydrates are bound to the membrane in the form of glycoproteins when attached to lipids.  Carbohydrates are not Langmuir present in the chloroplast lamellae, mictochondrial membrane s and other membranes of cell organelles. The major component of the plant plasma membrane is carbohydrates in the form of glycolipids, glycoproteins & various cell wall polysaccharides. The plant cell membrane has to perform some other functions than in animal cell, particularly in meditating the transport of solutes into & out of the cell.


Lipid Mono-layer Model Of Langmuir-
The first scientific attempt to know the membrane was made by who suggested that membrane was composed of phospholipid of one molecule thick. It was shown by an experiment in which the phospholipid was spread on water. This form layer of one molecules thick on water surface. Phospholipid are known as amphiphatic molecules which contain both hydrophilic & hydrophobic regions .Langmuir interpreted his model that hydrophilic or  head groups of the lipid molecules remain attach to the water surface and the hydrophobic tails remains free towards the air.

Lipid Bilayer Model Of Gorter & Grendel- 
Gorter & Grendel proposed a lipid bilayer model of membranes structure from the experiments of RBC's. When lipid extracted from RBC's where spread on the water surface, it was found that lipids were also spread as one layer on water. But it covers twice the area on the water surface than that the area of the cell from which lipid is extracted. The model of Gorter & Grendel gives a new impetus to membrane research as they first tried to describe the structure of membrane at the molecular level

The Danielli-Davson Model-They concluded that biological membrane could not be of lipid alone. Danielli & Davson proposed a molecular model of the membrane in which hydrophilic had groups of the lipid molecules is covered on both of the side by a protein layer .The proteins are attached to the hydrophilic head groups by lipid bilayer by ionic bonds . But in this model , the distance between ends of the fatty acid chains (hydrophobic  tails)  is not specified 

Robertson's Model Or Unit Membrane Hypothesis:-The presence of common structure in all biological membrane led to postulate Unit membrane hypothesis .For detailed study of the membrane structure & its molecular organisation , Robertson selected mylein as its experimental sample .He selcted mylein rather than typical membrane because in case of mylein , multiple layers of membrane are present  which forms quasi-crystalline structure .He carried out investigations on electron microscope using different stains for lipid & proteins . He found that both  lipid & proteins are present in the membrane .Lipid are present in two layers covered by proteins with lipid head groups projecting outward towards both membrane surfaces .Robertson's observation corroborates the structure proposed by  Danielli & Davson .The electron microscopic observations & X-rays diffraction data confirmed the Danielli & Davson model of membrane structure 

Fluid Mosaic Model

In this model the main component is the lipid bilayer with hydrophilic groups oriented towards outside & the hydrophilic groups towards inside of the layer . The basic requirement for the basic requirements of the molecular organisation of the membrane is free energy. The term fluid is given because the lipid layer is present in the fluid state. The transition of fluid layer from non fluid (gel) conditions to a liquid crystalline (fluid) state depends on the temperature of the cell. According to this model, proposed by SJ Singer & Jhon Nicholson, the principle of membrane organisation is as follows:
1. Lipids are present in two layers.
2. Proteins are arranged in two ways:
            a) Some are embedded in lipid  layer, called integral proteins &
            b) Some are present on surface of the lipid bilayer, called the peripheral proteins.
            3. The lipid layer is usually in liquid crystal line, i.e., fluid state.


  • It forms protective covering over cytoplasmic organelles.
  • It is selective permeable in nature which allows only selectable molecules to pass through it.
  • Substance that pass through it by simple diffusion,facilitated diffusion and by active transport method.
  • Simple diffusion deives the net movement of dissolved solutes as well as water molecules and the process is termed as osmosis.
  • Faciliated diffusion refers to the assisted movement of a substance down its electrochemical gradient.
  • Active transport is carried out by membrane transport proteins.


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