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Terrestrial biodiversity hot-spot, inventory.


Biodiversity is the web of life that distinguishes planet Earth from the other lifeless spheres in our solar system, if not the universe. There are three different levels of diversity: ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity (i.e., diversity within species). We focus here on terrestrial (as opposed to aquatic) ecosystem diversity, and on species diversity within terrestrial ecosystems.

The number and types of organisms inhabiting the planet have varied immensely during geologic history. In part, these variations have been caused by the evolution of new types of organisms and the elimination of others due to environmental changes and mass extinctions, as occurred at the end of the Mesozoic period 65 million years ago which saw the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Now, however, human transformations of the earth's surface are a force of geologic proportions that is affecting biodiversity in almost every corner of the world. Changes are occurring rapidly enough that the result is a net loss of species rather than a proliferation of new life forms. Species have been disappearing at 50-100 times the natural rate, and this is predicted to rise dramatically. Based on current trends, an estimated 34,000 plant and 5,200 animal species - including one in eight of the world's bird species - are critically endangered.

The greatest human impact on biodiversity is the alteration and destruction of habitats, which occurs mainly through changes in land use: draining of wetlands, clearing of land for agriculture, felling of forests for timber, and pollution of the environment and fragmentation. Other impacts on biodiversity include the development and potential proliferation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), direct exploitation (e.g., over-harvesting of plants or animals), and introduction of alien (non-native) species.

Loss of species is significant in several respects. First, breaking of critical links in the biological chain can disrupt the functioning of an entire ecosystem and its biogeochemical cycles. This disruption may have significant effects on larger scale processes. Second, loss of species can have impacts on the organism pool from which medicines and pharmaceuticals can be derived. 

Third, loss of species can result in loss of genetic material, which is needed to replenish the genetic diversity of domesticated plants that are the basis of world agriculture (Convention on Biological Diversity).

In recent years, the international scientific community has made considerable progress toward fostering global awareness of the importance of biodiversity. As a result, a number of multiagency organizations have been established, and many conservation programs have been implemented.


A variety of approaches have been utilized to identify areas of high species richness and endemism. A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with a significant reservior of biodiversity that is threatened with destruction.

The concept of biodiversity hoptspots was originated by Dr. Norman Myers in two articles in the scientific journal ‘The Environmentalist’ (1988 &1990) revised after thorough analysis by myers and others in ‘Hotspots: Earth’s Biological Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions’ (1999). The hotspots ideas was also promoted by Russell Mittermeier in the popular book ‘hotspots revisited’ (2004), although this has not been subjected to scientific peer-review like the other hotspots analysis.
The term "hotspots" indicate areas of high conservation value that are facing significant threats to conservation. Myer's first version was entirely focused on tropical rain forests. In its most recent iteration, the hotspots analysis identified 25 high priority areas, including some temperate areas such as the California coast, the Mediterranean and New Zealand.

To qualify as a biodiversity hotspots, a region must two strict criteria : it must contain at least 1,500 species of vascular plants as endemics, and it has to have lost at least 70 % of its original habitat. Around the world, at least 25 areas qualify under this definition, with nine other possible candidtes. These sites support nearly 60 % of the world’s plant, bird, mammal, reptile, and amphibian species, with a very high share of endemic species.

Dense human habitation tends to occur near hotspots. Most hotspots are located in the tropics and most of them are forests.

The biodiversity hotspots by region
North and Central America
1.            California Floristic Province
2.            Caribbean Islands
3.            Madrean Pine Oak Woodlands
4.            Mesoamerica
South America
1.            Atlantic Forest
2.            Cerrado
3.            Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests
4.            Tumes-Choco-Magdalena
5.            Tropical Andes
Europe and Central Asia
1.            Caucasus
2.            Irano-Anatolian
3.            Mediterranean Basin
4.            mountains of Central Asia
1.            Cape Floristic Region
2.            Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa
3.            Eastern Afromntane
4.            Guinean Forests of Eastern Africa
5.            Horn of Africa
6.            Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa
7.            Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands
8.            Maputaland Pondoland Albany
9.            Succulent Karoo
Asia – Pacific
1.            East Melanesian Island
2.            Eastern Himalaya
3.            Indo-Burma
4.            Japan
5.            Mountains of Southwest China
6.            New Caledonia
7.            New Zealand
8.            Philippines
9.            polynesia-Micronesia
10.        Southwest Australia
11.        Sundaland
12.        Wallacea
13.        Western Ghats and Sri Lanka
Brazil's Atlantic Forest is considered a hotspot of biodiversity and contains roughly 20,000 plant species, 1350 vertebrates, and millions of insects, about half of which occur nowhere else in the world. The island of Madagascar including the unique Madagascar dry deciduous forests and lowland rainforests possess a very high ratio of species endemism and biodiversity, since the island separated from mainland Africa 65 million years ago, most of the species and ecosystems have evolved independently producing unique species different from those in other parts of Africa.

Many regions of high biodiversity (as well as high endemism) arise from very specialized habitats which require unusual adaptation mechanisms. For example the peat bogs of Northern Europe and the alvar regions such as the Stora Alvaret on Oland, Sweden host a large diversity of plants and animals, many of which are not found elsewhere.

The Global 200 approach, adopted by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), identifies 233 high priority areas that are globally representative of all habitat types. Olson and Dinerstein in 1998 suggest that although tropical moist forests contain over half of all species diversity, the many other ecosystems that contain the remaining 50 percent also deserve consideration. These include tropical dry forests, tundra, temperate grasslands, polar seas, and mangroves, which all contain unique expressions of biodiversity with characteristic species, biological communities, and distinctive ecological and evolutionary phenomena. Given their focus on ecoregions, large units of land or water containing a characteristic set of natural communities, and given the large number of regions included on the list, the Global 200 ecosystems comprises a much larger proportion of the terrestrial land surface.

Hotspots and the Global 200 represent priority-setting efforts that focuses on high value and highly threatened ecosystems. The Global 200 report states that, among terrestrial ecosystems included on their list, 47 percent are considered critical or endangered and 29 percent are vulnerable, leaving a little over a quarter that are stable or intact. An alternative approach, developed by Wildlife Conservation Society and CIESIN (2002), is to identify the world's last great wild areas, and to concentrate resources and attention to securing as much of those regions under some kind of conservation status. Presumably, this can be done at far less cost than conservation in densely settled areas. Ultimately, however, the two approaches are complimentary. The hotspots approach is undertaken in combination with efforts to conserve the last remaining "pristine" wilderness areas.

Approaches to Biodiversity Conservation

There are some major approaches to conservation policy :

Traditional Protected Areas

Traditional protected areas harness the power of the state to define areas in which varying degrees of conservation (from strict preservation to protected multi-use landscapes), to set policies for land and resource use, and to enforce those policies through allocation of resources and prosecution of offenders.

Collaborative Management

Collaborative management or community-based natural resource management works with multiple stakeholders - government, community, and private sector - to identify and implement approaches to conservation that may include varying degrees of sustainable natural resource use. These two approaches are not mutually exclusive, and many instances of collaborative management in and around protected areas have been documented.

Conservation Corridor

There are also a number different approaches or theories that guide on-the-ground conservation as it relates to land use and land cover. One of these is the development of conservation corridors that connect a series of protected areas with protected landscapes so as to provide animal migration routes in response to habitat fragmentation. In Central America, which owing to its location as a land bridge between North and South America contains some 7-8 percent of the world's biodiversity on just one percent of its land surface, an ambitious initiative is underway to create a Mesoamerican 

Biological Corridor (MBC). The MBC intends to use a combination of land purchases and incentives to convince farmers living in the corridors to abandon slash and burn agriculture and cattle ranching for planting shaded coffee and cacao, which an serve as habitat for birds. Similar corridor initiatives have been undertaken to link habitat remnants in Florida, and new initiatives are planned for Europe, western Australia, the Himalayas, and Brazil's Amazon and Atlantic forests.

Gap Analysis

Gap analysis is a tool that was developed to identify the gaps between species distribution and existing protected areas. In contrast to a species-by-species approach, or habitat protection for a single flagship species (e.g., lions or pandas), gap analysis identifies the gaps in representation of biodiversity in areas managed exclusively or primarily for the long term maintenance of populations of native species and natural ecosystems. Once identified, gaps are filled through new reserve acquisitions or designations, corridors, or through changes in management practices.

Conservation of Agro-Biodiversity through Improved Land-Management

This is an important objective of the Convention on Biological Diversity. A dozen crops together provide about 75 percent of the world's caloric intake. In terms of animal protein intake, just three domestic animals - pigs, cattle and chickens - constitute the largest sources. 

The importance of this greatly reduced number of crops and animals means that conscious efforts will need to be taken to protect agro-biodiversity, if not for other reason because little utilized or exploited crop varieties provide important genetic information that can help to combat diseases and pests in the future. Some of the most valuable genetic resources are in the fields of subsistence farmers in the developing world, and countries like Mexico have made a conscious effort to exclude genetically modified crops in order to preserve the purity of their local varieties.


There are a number of major issues at the interface of biodiversity, land use and climate change. As climate changes, ecosystems will respond to changes in temperature and precipitation as well as changes in the carbon-dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.
 These changes are likely to favor some species and to negatively affect others, which will alter competitive relationships and may cause invasions by "generalist" species (Walker and Steffan 1997). Perhaps most significantly, there is a risk that climatic changes will occur more rapidly than individual species are able to adapt.

 For those species that are able to migrate with climate change (seeking appropriate habitat as it literally moves out from under them), there is a risk that migration "escape routes" will be closed due to anthropogenically altered landscapes or natural barriers, such as mountains, rivers and oceans (Malcolm and Markham 2000). 

The ultimate result could be large-scale extinctions.

An analysis of WWF's Global 200 ecosystems suggests that more than 80 percent of these biologically rich regions will suffer extinctions of plant and animal species as a result of global warming; changes in habitats from global warming will be more severe at high latitudes and altitudes than in lowland tropical areas; the most unique and diverse natural ecosystems may lose more than 70 percent of the habitats upon which their plant and animal species depend; and many habitats will change at a rate approximately ten times faster than the rapid changes during the recent postglacial period (Malcolm et al. 2002).

Unlike the introduction of invasive species, land conversion, and other threats to biodiversity, because climate is globally pervasive, it will affect even remote wilderness areas that to date have experienced little of anthropogenic change. Walker and Steffan predict that more natural ecosystems will be in an early successional state, and that the biosphere will be "weedier" and structurally simpler, by comparison with ecologically complex old-growth areas. 

The study of climate change impacts on biodiversity is still in its infancy, but several path breaking workshops and research initiatives suggest future research directions for those interested in how humanity can mitigate the impacts of climate change on other species (Global Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems, IAI 1994). There is also increasing interest in how to address, at the policy level, the complex linkages between climate change and biodiversity (IUCN 2001, Convention on Biological Diversity).


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