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The expression and inheritance of the sum total of characters of an organism is determined by the number and sequence of genes of its cells. The changes in architecture and morphology of chromosomes do not involve changes in the number of chromosomes,but result from changes in the number or sequence of genes of chromosomes.These changes are collectively known as chromosomal aberrations and were first analysed by Muller (1928) in Drosophila and by Barbara McClintock (1930) in Zea.Cytological observations along with genetic studies have resulted in the identification of following types of changes in the number or arrangement o genes:

A. Changes Involving Number of Genes
            i) Deletion or deficiency It signifies the loss or absence of a section of a chromosome and may involve one or more genes.
ii) Duplication. It represents a gain in chromosomal material and in this case a part of a chromosome is present in excess of the normal amount. Thus one or more genes are present in more than two doses.

B  Changes Involving Arrangement of Genes
i) Inversion. In this process a section of a chromosome gets inverted or rotates by 180° on its own axis. This changes the relative positions of genes on a chromosome, but not their number.
ii) Translocation. It involves the transfer of a part of one chromosome to a nonhomologous one, thereby changing the relative positions of genes but not their number.

All types of chromosomal aberrations are caused by a break in the chromosome or its chromatid. When broken ends rejoin to restore the original chromosome structure and gene sequence, there is no change and restitution occurs. Aberrations occur when broken ends are lost or get joined to a wrong chromosome or in a wrong order. The number of breaks, their location, and the pattern in which broken ends get joined determines the type of chromosomal aberration. Their study is important because they occur in nature quite frequently and have been instrumental in the evolution of many species of plants and animals. Their frequency can be increased with the help of ionizing radiations or certain chemical agents.

Deletion or Deficiency
 If a section of chromosome gets broken and detached, some genes are lost from the chromosome. Acentric fragments are either digested by nucleases or fail to move to either of the poles during cell division. Usually they get excluded from the daughter cells. Sometimes they move towards one end of the cell, just by chance, and get included in one of the two daughter cells. In either case a population of cells arises which is deficient for a few genes. If gametes arise from deficient cells, deletion is transmitted to the next generation.

Deletion can be terminal i.e. a terminal section of chromosome is absent, or intercalary i.e. an intermediate section or portion of chromosome is lost. Only one break is necessary for terminal deletion, whereas for intercalary deletion two breaks (one on either end of the deleted region) are essential. A break for intercalary deletion results into three pieces of chromosome, the middle one of which is lost and the other two get joined again. Broken acentric fragments of chromosomes, which are in the process of being digested, sometimes appear as small chromatin bodies in cells and are known as micronuclei.

Experimental proof for deletion was obtained by Bridges (1916-1919) who studied the inheritance pattern of sex linked lethal characters which had arisen spontaneously in a population of fruit-flies.

Deletion can be recognized by distortions of chromosomes during meiosis pairing of homologous chromosomes or during somatic pairing in specialized tissues like salivary glands of Drosophila. Due to a terminal deletion one of the paired chromosomes appears to be much longer than the other. This can be seen during pachytene in maize and in salivary gland chromosomes of Drosophila. Due to an intercalary deletion the normal chromosome forms a loop near the deficient region of its homologous, because only identical regions pair with each other.Inheritance patterns of genes of deleted regions and cytological studies of pairing between normal and deleted chromosomes have helped a lot in finding out the relative positions of genes on chromosomes. Thus, deletions have helped in constructing and verifying linkage maps of a variety of organisms like maize, Drosophila, bacteriophages etc.

The presence of a part of a chromosome in excess of the normal complement is known as duplication. A broken section of a chromosome attaches itself to a normal homologous or non homologous chromosome or in the presence of a centromere behaves like an independent chromosome and gets included in an otherwise normal nucleus. Consequently some genes are present in a cell in more than two doses. Depending on the mode of joining of the duplicated region to a chromosome or its independent existence, duplications can be of the following types:
1) Extra-chromosomal duplication. In the presence of a centromere the duplicated part of a chromosome may behave as an independent chromosome.

2) Tandem duplicated. In this case the duplicated region situated just by the side of the normal corresponding section of the chromosome and the sequences of genes are the same in the normal and duplicated regions.
For example, if the sequence of genes in a chromosome is ABC.DEFGH (full stop represents the centromere) and if the section containing the genes DEF is duplicated, the sequence of genes in tandem duplication will be ABC.DEFDEFGH.                           

3) Reverse tandem duplication. In this case the sequence of genes in the duplicated section of a chromosome is just the reverse of a normal sequence. In the above example, therefore, the sequence of genes as a result of reverse tandem duplication will be ABC.DEFFEDGH.

4) Displaced duplication. In this case the duplicated section is not adjacent to the normal section Depending on whether the duplicated portion is on the same side of the centromere as the original section or on the other side; displaced duplication can be homobrachial or heterobrachial:

 homobrachial duplication = ABC.DEFGDEFH.
 heterobrachial duplication = ADEFBC.DEFGH.

5) Transposed duplication. In this case the duplicated section is attached to a non homologous chromosome. If ABC.DEFGH and LMNOPQ.RST represent the genes sequences of two non homologous chromosomes, a transposed duplication will result into chromosomes with gene sequences ABC.DEFGH and LMNDEFOPQ.RST. The duplicated region can be transposed to a non homologous chromosome interstitially or terminally.

Duplications involving various regions of the X chromosome in Drosophila have been studied in detail. Flies heterozygous for the Bar (B) gene have rod shaped or rectangular eyes instead of normal round eyes. Flies homozygous for this gene have very small eyes. In 1936 Muller and Bridges found independently of each other that bar eyes are caused due to a duplication of the region of the X chromosome. A reduplication of this region results into Ultrabar or doublebar or very small eyes.

Duplications and reduplications of the Bar region can be very easily seen in the salivary gland chromosomes. As the number of Bar genes increases, the eyes become smaller. Duplications, reduplications and deletions may arise due to unequal cross-overs.

Like deletions duplications also result into unequal or looped out configurations at the time of pairing of homologous chromosomes. Crossing –over in reverse tandem duplication results into a dicentric chromosome. This can frequently seen in chromosomes of maize. Irrespective of whether sister or non-sister chromatids are involved in a cross-over, dicentric chromosomes are produced. As the two centromeres move towards two different poles, a chromosome “bridge” is formed which later on breaks at any point along the bridge. The broken ends become “sticky” and a replication of the chromosome produces two sister chromatids which are joined together due to their sticky ends. Therefore, the bridge-breakage-fusion cycle goes on indefinitely. In sporophytic tissues of plants however, sticky ends are not found.

Duplication has played a great role in evolution. It is a means of increasing the number of genes in a cell so that different copies of the same gene may change in different directions without disturbing the normal functions of an organism. It has been suggested that all cases in which different gene pairs affect the same character (e.g. multiple factors, complementary genes, etc.) arose initially as duplications of single genes .More evolved organisms have been found to have more repetitions of DNA sequences.

Inversion involves a rotation of a part of a chromosome or a set of genes by 180° on its own axis. Breakage and reunion is essential for inversion to occur and the net result is neither a gain or loss in the genetic material but simple a rearrangement of the gene sequence. Inversion that include the centromere are known as pericentric (around the centromere), whereas those which do not involve the centromere are known as paracentric ones.

If the normal sequence of gene in a chromosome is ABC.DEFG, the sequence in paracentric and pericentric inversions will be ABC.DGFE and AED.CBFG, respectively. In organisms which are homozygous for inversions, zygotene and pachytene is normal because of similarity of abnormalities in the homologous chromosomes. But heterozygous inversions result into looped configurations during pachytene. If the heterozygous inversion is small enough, the opposing inverted regions fail to pair and crossing-over is suppressed in this part of the chromosome. A crossing-over in the inverted region of a heterozygous paracentric inversion results into a chromosome with two centromeres and an acentric fragment. As the two centromere of the dicentric chromosome move towards two opposite poles, a chromatid bridge is formed at  anaphase I. The acentric fragment is not attached to the spindle, lies free in the cytoplasm and is not disjuncted properly. Thus meiotic separations are usually abnormal.

In case meiotic separation is normal, four types of gametes are formed – one with a normal gene sequence, second with an inverted gene sequence, third with a dicentric chromosome and duplication of some genes, and fourth with an acentric chromosome and deletion of some genes. The latter two types of gametes are usually not viable, with the result that heterozygotes for paracentric inversions are highly sterile and only parent-like progeny are produced. In other words, crossing-over is apparently suppressed due to paracentric inversion. Dicentric bridge formed in maize female tissue as a result of such crossing-over results into a bridge-breakage-fusion cycle. Pollen grains show a high degree of sterility. Multiple cross-overs reduced the suppression effect, especially with respect to those genes between which two (or even number of) cross-overs occur, because their result is the same as no cross-over (only if the same two strands are involved in even number of exchanges).

Crossing-over in a heterozygous pericentric inversion does not result into a chromatid bridge, but results into deletions and duplications in the gametes. Therefore, pericentric inversions also apparently suppress crossing-over. Although heterozygotes for pericentric inversions produce a significant proportion of invaible gametes and unbalanced zygotes as a rule, Drosophila is an exception because in the females there is reduced paring and consequent reduced crossing-over in the inverted region between the homologous chromosomes. Pericentric inversions involving unequal arms result into drastic changes in the morphology of chromosomes. For example, metacentric (V-shaped) chromosomes can be transformed into acentric (rod-shaped) ones or vice-versa.
Fertility of inversion of homozygote and sterility of inversion heterozygote leads to the establishment of two groups which are mutually fertile but do not breed well with the rest of species. Thus, two varieties are established which evolve in different directions and later become reproductively isolated species. There is plenty of cytological evidence to prove that such evolutionary mechanisms have and are operating in Drosophila and a number of other organisms.
Inversion has been useful in establishing and maintaining a heterozygous condition, because in inversion heterozygotes crossing-over is suppressed and only parental progeny are produced. Recessive lethals can be added advantage because heterozygotes for them will be viable but homozygote nonviable. Quite a few strains of Drosophila are routinely maintained with the help of lethal genes and inversion heterozygosity.


Translocation involves the transfer of a part of a chromosome or a set of genes to a non-homologous chromosome. It results into a change in the sequence and position of the genes but not their quantity, means changes involving arrangement of genes.
An important type of translocation having evolutionary significance is known as reciprocal translocation or segmental interchanges which involve mutual exchange of chromosome segments between two pairs of non-homologous chromosomes.

Translocation heterozygotes
When translocation is present in only one chromosome this will be a translocation heterozygote and when translocation is present in both non-homologous chromosome then this will be a translocation homozygote. In translocation homozygote there is no problem during meiotic pairing but in case of Translocation heterozygotes, due to pairing between homologous segments of chromosomes, a cross shaped figure involving 4 chromosomes will be observed at pachytene sub-stage of meiosis I.These 4 chromosomes at metaphase I can have one of the three orientations –

1.      Alternate – In this orientation alternate chromosome (I and III) will be oriented toward the same pole.
2.      Adjacent I – In this orientation adjacent chromosome (side by side) having non-homologous centromere will orient towards the same pole.
3.      Adjacent II – In this orientation adjacent chromosome (I and III) having homologous centromeres will orient towards the same pole.

Irrespective of whether segregation during meiosis I is alternate or adjacent, 2 types of gametes will be produced. Alternate segregation will produce balanced gametes but adjacent segregation will produced gametes which will be duplicated for some genes or deficient for few others, such unbalanced gametes will not be viable. This is the reason why organisms with heterozygous translocation are semi sterile. Such instance are very common in wheat, maize, pea, datura etc.In plants like Rhoeo and Oenothera, translocation heterozygote have become stable due to the presence of balanced lethals or lethals that are not expressed under heterozygous conditions.
Translocations have been found in human beings also. They can be detected by karyotype analysis. Reciprocal translocation between chromosome 5 and 18 are well documented. Sometimes reciprocal translocation results into heteromorphic autosomal pairing involving chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18 and chromosome 21 (the trisomy of which results into Down syndrome). One of the autosomes of such a pair is normal whereas the other one has an extra piece, corresponding to the long arm of chromosome 21; in addition to the normal pair of chromosome 21.Such individuals are virtually trisomic for chromosome 21 and therefore show Down’s syndrome. They arises of a female with reciprocal translocation between chromosome 15 and 21 marries a normal male.

Translocations results into changed linkage relationships between genes because non linkage groups are established. Independently assorting genes become linked and linked genes began to show independent assortment provided their linkage groups are changed because of translocation.

Chromosomal translocation result into change in the sequence of gene but not their number, very frequently result into a change in phenotype of the organism. This clearly shows that the expression of some genes is affected by their position on a chromosome. This effect is known as position effect.

Breeding behaviour of translocation heterozygotes
 Presence of translocation heterozygosity can be detected by presence of semisterlity and low seed set. This can then be confirmed at meiosis by quadrivalent (4 univalent) formation. As shown in figure only two types of functional gametes are formed which results from alternate orientation. The functional gametes will give rise three kinds of progeny namely –
1.      Normal,
2.      Translocation heterozygote,
3.      Translocation homozygote.
These three types would be obtained in 1:2:1 ratio.

Complex translocation heterozygotes
Complex translocation can be obtained by recurrent irradiation or by intercrossing simpler translocation stocks to yield complex one. Both these methods were used successfully. In both cases where complex rings could be synthesized, high sterility was associated with the ring, which became a major barrier in utilization of these rings in Oenothera. Genus Oenothera was studied 1920 – 1930 and cytogenetics structure leading to evolution in this genus was examined. In this genus 2n = 14 and all 7 chromosomes of a haploid complement have median centromere.

In O. Lamarkiana a ring of only 12 chromosomes instead of ring of 14 chromosomes is obsereved and 2 chromosomes forming a bivalent is seen. In this genus Oenothera, few permanent and few temporary translocations are found which develops into different species like O. biennis, O.strigosa and O.irrigua, O.hookeri.
These species differ in phenotypes like flower size etc and can be identified.

Translocation Tester Sets
In many chromosomes of a particular species may lack any type of markers which could otherwise enable identification of individual chromosomes. Genetic and environmental variations in chromosomal phenotype make it difficult for identification of individual chromosome. Tester sets (Translocation homologous with known chromosomes involved in translocation) is used to identify such chromosomes, because individual chromosome involved in a structural change (Translocation) or in anenploidy can then be identified by making crosses to the tester set. The significance of such a tester set can be understood in identification of unknown translocation, trisomics and monosomics.

For the synthesis of translocation tester set seeds were irradiated and grown M1 population. Then the plants of M1 population selected were partial pollen sterility is found and meiotic behaviour of these selected plants were studied to confirm translocation heterozygotes (a ring of 4 chromosomes is seen). Then selfing is done between such translocated heterozygotes, as self pollination crates translocation homozygosity, and harvest the seed of individual plants separately. Then grow single plant progenies and select each progeny for plants with only bivalents (as bivalent showing translocation homozygote). This generation is M2 generation. M2 generation plants were crossed with normal plants and study the meiotic behaviour of these crossing result or F1 hybrids. Identify chromosome involved in translocation. Such translocation tester sets are identified in maize, barley, pea, rye and tomato.

Robertsonia Translocation
Robertsonia translocation was first discovered by W.R.B Robertson in 1911.
It is also known as centric fusion translocation. Chromosomal breakage of acrocentric chromosomes near the centromeres results into robertsonia translocation.

This chromosomal breakage results into 2 segments, one large segment and another small segment. The larger segments fuse together to form a new submetacentric or metacentric character. While smaller segments may fuse to form new character or may be lost but in both case they are of no use as smaller part of acrocentric character contain many non essential heterochromatic DNA.
Person with balanced robertsonia translocation will have 45 chromosomes only.
The human chromosomes of D and G groups shows this translocation i.e. chromosome no. 13, 14, 15 and 21 and 22.
Eg: Although translocations generally have been of greater importance in the plant kingdom than in the animal kingdom, one type of translocation has had some evolutionary significance in animals. This aberration, described as a centric fusion, is actually a translocation between two chromosomes. It has been found in Drosophila, arthropods, certain birds, and mammals. Studies with Drosophila have indicated that translocations, particularly centric fusions, have caused evolutionary changes of chromosome numbers in various species. Their principal effect has been to reduce the chromosome numbers. Example of centric fusions are given, which presents the possible evolutionary patterns in two subgenera, Drosophila and Sophophora. Each fusion involves a translocation of almost the entire arm of a rod chromosome to produce a V-shaped chromosome. Translocations of small portions of an arm are rare in Dorsophila. There are other differences besides the translocations in the chromosomes of the species represented, including inversions, and the genetics of these organisms is rather complex, especially since hybridization is possible among many of the species.
A similar reduction in chromosome number is exhibited by the plant Crepis. The more primitive species of Crepis have a basic chromosome number of six (n = 6), whereas the more advanced species have basic number of three, four, and five. Reciprocal translocations have contributed greatly to this evolutionary trend toward reduction in chromosome number. In those cases where centric fusions lead to a decrease in chromosome number, little genetic material is lost from the genome, since most of the translocated chromosome is retained. Thus there is little loss in viability or fertility of the offspring of later generations.

B-A Translocation
In 1947, Roman reported a special type of translocation in maize involving translocation between two normal chromosomes A and B, in these chromosomes breakage and reunion takes place. Chromosome A breaks at one point and same thing in B chromosome, a breakage takes place. Both the broken pieces reunite as A with a piece of B chromosome and B with a piece of A chromosome. This translocation takes place only in one chromosome i.e. it takes place in heterozygotic condition. At metaphase plate a quadrivalent is found having A, AB, B and BA.


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