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B.Sc.- Paper II Microbiology, Mycology and Plant Pathology

Paper II Microbiology, Mycology and Plant Pathology  


Microbiology: Meaning and Scope, history and development in the field of microbiology. 
Eubacteria: general account, occurrence, morphology (structure, shapes),  
flagella, capsule, nutritional types, endospore, reproduction (binary fission, transformation, conjugation, transduction,    economic and biological importance.                      
Cyanobacteria:  Oscill atoria and Nostoc- occurrence, morphology, reproduction and importance. 
Mycoplasma: occurrence, morphology, reproduction and importance.


Virus: General characteristics and importance.  Structure of TMV and Pox virus, Structure and multiplication of Bacteriophage·
Fungi: General characters, occurrence, thallus organization, reproduction, economic importance. Classification of fungi (Alexopoulos and Ainsworth's).
Plant diseases: Biotic and abiotic diseases, important symptoms caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses and MLOs (blights, mildews- downy and powdery, rusts, smuts, canker, mosaic, little leaf, galls etc.


Brief account, structore, importance and life history and/or disease cycle and control of the following: Albugo and white rust; Sclerospora  and Downy  mildew/Green  ear  disease of Bajra;  Aspergillus;  Claviceps and Ergot; Peziza.


Brief account, structure, importance and life  history  and/or  disease  cycle and control  of the following: Puccinia and rusts of wheat (Black, orange, yellow);   Ustilago  and  loose  smut of wheat and covered smut of barley; Agaricus;   Alternaria and  early blight of potato. 


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