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Paper IX – Plant Resources Utilization and Conservation

Paper IX – Plant Resources Utilization and Conservation

World centers of primary diversity of domesticated plants- The Indo-Burmese center, plant introduction and secondary centers


Origins, evolution, botany, cultivation and uses of: 
(i) Food. Forage, and fodder crops, - Wheat, Rice, Barley Maize
(ii) fiber crops 
(iii) medicinal and aromatic plants and 
(iv) vegetable oil yielding crops.

Unit III

Important fire- wood and timber yielding plant and non-wood forest product (NWFPs)- Such as bamboos, rattans, raw material for paper making, gums tannins, dyes, resins and fruits.

Green revolution – Benefits and adverse consequence 

innovation for meeting world food demands through Innovation in Science & Technology

Environmental Status of plant based on International Union for conservation of Nature (IUCN)


Strategies for conservation – in situ conservation International efforts and Indian initiatives, protected area in India – sanctuaries national park, biosphere reserve wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs conservation of wild biodiversity.

Strategies for conservation – ex situ conservation Principles and practices, botanical gardens, field gene banks, seed banks in vitro repositories, cryo-banks, general account of the activities of Botanical survey of India (BSI), National Bureau of Plant Genetics (NBPGR)
Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR)
Council of Scientific and industrial Research (CSIR) and the Development of Biotechnology (DBT) for conservation non formal conservation efforts.


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