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Paper II - Cytology, Genetics & Cyto-genetics



Structural alterations in chromosomes: Origin - meiosis and breeding behavior of duplication, inversion and translocation heterozygotes.

Numerical alterations in chromosomes: 
Origin, occurrence, production, and meiosis of haploids, aneuploids and euploids, 

origin and production, of autopolyploids

chromosome and chromatid segregation allopolyploids, types. genome constitution, and analysis, the evolution of major crop plants, induction and characterization of trisomic and monosomics



Genetic Recombination and  Genetic mapping – Recombination chromosome mapping,

RecA & RecBCD (Uni raj)
Site Specific recombiantion (Uni raj)

linkage groups genetic markers construction of molecular maps correlation of genetic and physical maps somatic cell genetics – an alternative approach to gene mapping

Unit III


Mutation Spontaneous and induced mutation, physical and chemical mutagens molecular basis of gene mutation transposable elements in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, mutation induced by transposons site directed mutagenesis DNA damage and repair mechanism inherited disease and defects in DNA repair initiation of cancer at cellular level protooncogenes and oncogenes
Sex determination, sex linked inheritance sex limited characters and sex reversal, multiple allele’s and blood group in man
Cytogenetics of aneuploids and structural heterozygotes – Effect of aneuploidy on phenotype in plant transmission of monosomics and trisomics and their use in chromosome mapping in diploid heterozygotes complex translocation heterozygotes translocation tester sets Robertsonian translocation B-A translocation

Unit IV

Molecular cytogenetics : 

Nuclear DNA content C- Value paradox cot curve and its significance restriction mapping concept and techniques multigene families and their evolution in situ hybridization – concept and techniques, physical mapping of genes of chromosomes computer assisted chromosome analysis chromosome microdissection and micro cloning flow cytometry  and confocal microscopy in karyotype analysis

Alien gene transfer through chromosome manipulation : transfer of whole genome examples from wheat Arachis and Brassica transfer of individual chromosome and chromosome segment method for detecting alien addition and substitution lines genetic basis of inbreeding and heterosis, exploitation of hybrid vigour


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